Journal 8: Point/Counterpoint: Should Schools Be Held Responsible for Cyberbullying?
Bogacz, R. (2011). Should schools be held responsible for cyberbullying?. Learning and Leading with Technology, 38(6), Retrieved from
This Journal was very interesting. It talked about cyberbullying which is something we are working on in class. Cyberbullying is something that occurs all throughout the classrooms. This journal argues if the schools should be held responsible for cyberbulling. It talks about Yes, schools should and No, schools should not. For the people who said yes, they believe that schools should be accountable for cyberbullying. Teachers should listen more careful to students who have been cyberbullied. Teachers should also address the negative aspects of cyberbullying and how to know you are being cyberbullied. Parents should spend more time looking at their childs cellphones and be with them when they are online. Those who said no to schools not being held responsible for cyberbullying argues the opposite. They state that students who have these behavior problems have had problems that cannot be resolved in the classroom. The lack of their parents involvement in the classrooms and in education has a huge role. Parents are the first educators of their child when they are first born. If parents do not spend quality time helping their child grow through education, then it should be the parents at fault and not the school/classroom.
Question 1: What ways can teachers help stop cyberbullying?
I believe there are many ways teachers can help stop cyberbullying. One way is to teach it. If students understand what cyberbullying is, then there will not be confusion later on. If students are well educated then these problems should not occur. I also believe that students should understand the cons of cyberbullying and how it can affect ones life.
Question 2: What ways can parents help stop cyberbullying?
Parents should be involved in their students education. I hate it when I see students struggling and their parents do not care. It is very sad to see this and the parents wonder why their child is doing poorly in school. Parents should be involved when their child is on the computer while they are chatting or researching or just browsing the web. This can help stop cyberbullying since their child will know the difference of cyberbullying with the help of their parents!